This page is on--- you know what, lets skip the boring part, this is the same thing each time, we all know what this page is on, unless, of course you are part of that section previously mentioned on the previus page. (Not that I'm prejudice to anyone with a low IQ, even though I previously mentioned it.) So... lets get started
Randomness is a missused word in many cases. For example, some people might call someone a 'random' person, when in reality everyone is technicaly a random person. Think about the primary question 'There are three sweets in a jar. 1 is red and 2 are blue. What is the chance that I pick a red one?' No matter which sweet I pick, they are all 'random' sweets!
But anyway, randomness, through this missuse, has generated a new meaning. It has been used to mean things such as someone who doesn't do ordinary things, or always does crazy things. This has lead to the problem that people have no idea what people mean when they say random.
Now, here is a STUPID image to tickle your fancy.